Help for professionals

St Giles helps vulnerable young people who are criminally exploited through gangs, serious violence and offending. You can commission our award-winning services in hospitals, schools, prisons and the community.

Our approach

Insights from the frontline tell us that poverty, social inequalities, and both real and perceived lack of opportunities, lie behind much of the serious violence tragically taking many young lives before their time, alongside the grooming and exploitation of children and young people through county lines drug running.

Our approach uses professionally trained staff with lived experience of the issues facing the young people we help. The insights and expertise of our staff – all of whom have personal backgrounds which relate to these issues – make them highly sought after to deliver both frontline work to young people and professional training to those working with them.

Preventative work in schools

The SOS+ Service delivers early intervention work in educational settings, through preventative sessions on violence, vulnerability and exploitation and 1:1 mentoring.

Our award-winning approach uses trained professionals with lived experience of the criminal justice system to de-glamorise gang involvement and expose the harsh realities of crime and violence.  As they know these issues first-hand, they can speak from their own experiences and have high levels of engagement from the young people.

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Community-based support

We offer a range of community-based services working across the region. We train local people at the grassroots who know the communities to become caseworkers supporting others to make positive changes.

Hospital and custody suite work

We work in hospitals and custody suites providing specialist support for young people who have been arrested or admitted to hospital as a result of serious violence.  The aim of this work is to reduce the risks of future harm and involvement with the police.

Our locations across the UK

Find out what services we provide in different locations


Child Criminal Exploitation

In Summer 2021 our staff members put together a short mini-series highlighting five different vulnerabilities to Child Criminal Exploitation.

The videos draw on their professional expertise and lived experience. They are intended to highlight awareness of CCE and the grooming line.

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