Evaluations into our prisons work
Through The Gates evaluation
Date: 2009
Evaluated by: Frontier Economics
Methodology: Frontier Economics examined data which had been collected on 583 Through the Gates clients from August 2008 - January 2009. They compared this data against a 2007 sample of the national prison leaver 2 profile whose custodial sentence was longer than one year (Through the Gates clients all served more than one year).
Project overview: Through the Gates is a programme aimed at reducing the rate of re-offending. It provides a range of services including pre-release assessment and, following release, accommodation and help in reintegration and employment search
Key outcomes:
- Through the Gates re-offending rate is 40% lower than the national re-offending rate
- £10 in savings to the taxpayer through the reduce costs of reoffending for every £1 invested in the work
- The estimated potential saving from Through the Gates per ex -offender ranges from £8,616 to £28,722
- Through the Gates provides an estimated annual saving of between £10.4million and £34.5million.