Health providers
We have a long track record of working with health providers to address underlying issues which could be causing people to make frequent use of services. This includes our work supporting young patients in hospital admitted as victims of serious violence and support for homeless patients with multiple and complex needs.
We provide violence reduction work with young patients involved in child criminal exploitation. We provide hospital-based services working alongside clinical staff. Our caseworkers address any underlying issues which might be exposing young people to the risk of future violence thus reducing the possibility of future violent incidents.
This work in one hospital saw re-admissions for weapons wounds reduce from 44% to 7%.
W provide peer-led support for people with substance use issues. Working alongside clinical teams we can provide peer caseworkers to offer added support to help clients stay engaged with their treatment and plan for their futures.
Through our work on the south London-based Pathways project we provided help for homeless patients in hospitals and offering ongoing support post discharge, ensuring they were linked up with the right services and their situations were stabilised.