Evaluations into our work with women and families
Gamechangers evaluation
Gamechangers aims to reach the most marginalised families and help break the cycles of crime, poverty and unemployment. Gamechangers draws on a combination of our experience working with gangs allied with conventional family support workers.
Children of Prisoners Empowered (COPE) interim evaluation
COPE is a Leeds community based service delivering intensive support to disadvantaged children and young people affected by a parent's imprisonment.
Children and Families Cymru service evaluation
St Giles’ Children and Families Cymru service supports families struggling to cope as a result of experiencing difficulties and having a range of complex, inter-connected and unmet needs.
Footsteps evaluation
Footsteps is a two-year project delivered across three geographical areas in England: Yorkshire, Norfolk and London. The project seeks to make a difference to women with autism or personality disorder(s) who have been involved in the criminal justice system,
Lambeth Family Gangs evaluation
Lambeth Family Gangs project provides holistic support to families in the borough affected by the current or previous gang involvement of one family member, which can cause trauma and disruption to the whole family.