Evaluations into our Work With Children and Young People
SOS evaluation
Date: 2013
Evaluated by: TSIP (The Social Innovation Partnership)
Methodology: Client interviews and caseworkers’ self-reported outcomes, case file reviews, interviews, and partner discussions.
Project details: St Giles SOS service trains and employs people with lived experience, including those with experience of the criminal justice system, as caseworkers who provide practical and psychological support to their clients. Their clients are primarily other ex-offenders, but also those at risk of offending - to help them to avoid offending and reintegrate themselves into society.
Key outcomes:
- According to client interviews and caseworkers’ self-reported outcomes, the SOS Project shows signs of positive impact:
- 73% of those who undertook ETE activities successfully achieved an outcome Housing Outcomes 76% of those identified as having housing needs successfully achieved an outcome Benefit Outcomes 43% of clients were assisted in claiming benefits Mentoring Activities 23% of clients were recorded as receiving Mentoring and/or IAG support
- The SOS Project is well-aligned with the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) understanding of best practice