End of year performance figures show an increase in our work with vulnerable women and under-16s with the number of the latter increasing 48% in 12 months.
The figures, which reflect our work between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2019, also show a growth in the number of vulnerable women we supported increasing from 3,729 to 4,706. The increases reflect a progression of our community-based work through the Lottery-funded Peer Hubs, specialist county lines projects and Women’s Services helping women at risk of exploitation and offending get the help they need.
Our team who carry out schools-based preventative work delivered 1,007 sessions last year reaching over 55,000 participants – the highest figure ever.
Community and prison-based teams across St Giles helped 24,996 people last year. Key areas of strength were helping people find sustainable employment, improve their relationships and family lives and get a decent place to live. Our teams also helped a record 275 clients qualify as Peer Advisors, giving them a Level 3 accredited qualification they can use to progress their own lives whilst helping others.
“These figures reflect the hard work of our staff and show that our services our evolving to address further areas of need. We are now helping an increasingly vulnerable client group in under-16s,” said Rob Owen, Chief Executive. “It shines a light on the fact that our peer-led approach is being adopted to tackle complex social ills – such as county lines – and the poverty, lack of employment and dearth of opportunities that often lie behind them.”