Young People in Southeast Wales Get Their Voices Heard With New Alliance

Young People in Southeast Wales Get Their Voices Heard With New Alliance

[Welsh Translation]

St Giles Cymru has teamed up with Torfaen Youth Alliance to help young people have a say in issues which are important to them. 

The team attended the first meeting in November 2024 alongside around 30 young people aged 11 to 18, representatives from local secondary schools and 16 different young people’s organisations to discuss issues important to children and young people in the South-East Wales borough. 

The meeting was organised by the council’s children and young people’s participation officer Philip Wilson. 

He said:

“The aim of the youth alliance is to provide young people with a forum to come together to discuss issues, such as health and well-being, that are important to them. They can share opinions and work together to provide a clear and strong voice back to Torfaen Council, and partner organisations, to help ensure their views and needs are heard. I’d like to thank all young people for attending and a particular thanks to pupils and staff from Crownbridge School for hosting this first meeting.” 

The results of the first youth alliance meeting will be fed back to the council, who will then follow-up with the youth alliance at its next meeting in early 2025. 

Along with West Monmouth School, a wide range of organisations, alongside St Giles Cymru were involved in the first meeting, including: Scouts Cymru, Torfaen Youth Forum, Torfaen Pupil Referral Unit, Torfaen Young Carers, TOGS Centre Torfaen, Llais, Cwmbran Centre for Young People, Torfaen Young People’s Support Service, Home Start Cymru, Melin and Bron Afon, Torfaen Youth Service and Torfaen Play Service. 

Aimee Evans who is a Caseworker at St Giles Cymru said:

“Some young people due to their background and past experiences are very isolated in many ways. The youth alliance is a chance for them to realise that they do have a voice and have choices, which may have been taken away from them in the past. It’s also an opportunity for them to feel part of a community and feel heard, both of which are very important.” 

The alliance brings together youth forums and school councils from across Torfaen, if you are a member of a youth organisation and would like more information on how your organisation can join the alliance please email: 

More about the Youth Alliance

Mae Pobl Ifanc yn Ne – ddwyrain Cymru yn cael clywed eu lleisiau gyda chynghrair newydd

St Giles Cymru wedi ymuno â Chynghrair Ieuenctid Torfaen i helpu pobl ifanc i ddweud eu dweud ar faterion sy’n bwysig iddynt.

Mynychodd y tîm y cyfarfod cyntaf ym mis Tachwedd 2024 ochr yn ochr â thua 30 o bobl ifanc rhwng 11 a 18 oed, cynrychiolwyr o ysgolion uwchradd lleol ac 16 o wahanol sefydliadau pobl ifanc i drafod materion sy’n bwysig i blant a phobl ifanc ym mwrdeistref De Ddwyrain Cymru. 

Trefnwyd y cyfarfod gan swyddog cyfranogiad plant a phobl ifanc y cyngor, Philip Wilson.


“Nod y gynghrair ieuenctid yw darparu fforwm i bobl ifanc ddod at ei gilydd i drafod materion, fel iechyd a lles, sy’n bwysig iddyn nhw. Gallant rannu barn a chydweithio i roi llais clir a chryf yn ôl i Gyngor Torfaen, a sefydliadau partner, i helpu i sicrhau bod eu barn a’u hanghenion yn cael eu clywed. Hoffwn ddiolch i’r holl bobl ifanc am fod yn bresennol a diolch yn            arbennig i ddisgyblion a staff Ysgol Crownbridge am gynnal y cyfarfod cyntaf hwn .”

Bydd canlyniadau cyfarfod cyntaf y gynghrair ieuenctid yn cael eu bwydo’n ôl i’r cyngor, a fydd wedyn yn dilyn y gynghrair ieuenctid yn ei gyfarfod nesaf yn gynnar yn 2025.

Ynghyd ag Ysgol Gorllewin Mynwy, bu ystod eang o sefydliadau, ochr yn ochr â St Giles Cymru, yn cymryd rhan yn y cyfarfod cyntaf, gan gynnwys: Sgowtiaid Cymru, Fforwm Ieuenctid Torfaen, Uned Cyfeirio Disgyblion Torfaen, Gofalwyr Ifanc Torfaen, Canolfan TOGS Torfaen, Llais, Canolfan Cwmbrân ar gyfer Pobl Ifanc, Gwasanaeth Cefnogi Pobl Ifanc Torfaen, Home Start Cymru, Melin a Bron Afon, Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Torfaen a Gwasanaeth Chwarae Torfaen.

Dywedodd Aimee Evans sy’n Weithiwr Achos yn St Giles Cymru:

“Mae rhai pobl ifanc oherwydd eu cefndir a’u profiadau yn y gorffennol yn ynysig iawn mewn sawl ffordd. Mae’r gynghrair ieuenctid yn gyfle iddyn nhw sylweddoli bod ganddyn nhw lais a bod ganddyn nhw ddewisiadau, a allai fod wedi cael eu tynnu oddi arnyn nhw yn y gorffennol. Mae hefyd yn gyfle iddyn nhw deimlo’n rhan o gymuned a theimlo eu bod yn cael eu clywed, ac mae’r ddau ohonyn nhw’n bwysig iawn.”

Mae’r gynghrair yn dod â fforymau ieuenctid a chynghorau ysgol o bob rhan o Dorfaen at ei gilydd, os ydych yn aelod o sefydliad ieuenctid ac os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth am sut y gall eich mudiad ymuno â’r gynghrair e – bostiwch:

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