Our Children & Family work in Yorkshire makes a real difference to the young children we support. It offers direct support to children and their wider families who are experiencing a range of disadvantages.
Alongside many other things, our work gives the children a safe space to talk and open up. Caseworker Lorna Lacey highlights some of her working day here.
“Thursday is a very busy day with Children and Families. I go into a Primary School and meet up in a separate room just for us and the children I support. I take in resources such as games, paints, stencils which helps the children interact.
When I asked children if they have had anything that have made them sad, they sometimes they say ‘yes’. This can range from being sad as they fell out with a friend at break time to sad as they spoke to dad, who’s in prison.
We always have a chat about these things and can ask questions as to why this made them sad or happy and things they can do if sad to keep their mind off this. Most of the time the children are very happy to see me and come in smiling and willing to talk, when they are a little down it takes a while for them to speak to me, but we always end up leaving with smiling faces.”