Performance outcome figures for our last financial year (1 April 2019-31 March 2020) show that we reached 95,000 people through the SOS+ work aimed at children, young people, parents and professionals. SOS+ sessions raise awareness of issues around county lines and serious violence with the aim of preventing young people from becoming involved.
In addition to the above, we supported over 20,000 people across England and Wales through a wide range of different projects working in local communities, prisons and hospitals.
This includes help for a record 607 young people across England and Wales to exit county lines or reduce their activity within them. This reflects both a growing awareness of the issue across the UK and an expansion in our services helping children and young people involved in county lines across all of our regions.
Support around forming positive relationships and strengthening family ties also featured heavily in our headline outcomes. As disadvantaged families have increasingly been affected by austerity – and now more recently the fallout from Covid – we have stepped up our work in helping individuals and their family network build resilience and positivity, whilst helping with issues around poverty and debt.
Other areas where we performed strongly include an increase in the number of people we found permanent housing for (5,568 against 3,054 the previous year) and a growth in the number of people embarking on the Peer Advisor Programme and gaining employment as a result of it.