As we look back on the last year (April 2020/March 2021), there have been some fantastic successes in the growth of our Peer Advisor Programme despite the challenges of Covid.
• 75 new Peer Advisors completed their initial training through the City & Guilds assured course, ‘Learning to Advise’
• More than 120 Peer Advisors were training and working through the Network at the end of March
• 55 Peer Advisors achieved the accredited Level 3 Advice and Guidance – this is at a time when many organisations hosting our Peer Advisors have found it a challenge to keep roles active during lockdowns.
• 32 Peer Advisors secured paid employment during a time of prevailing difficulties in the job market – most of whom are still working in the sector, with many taken on by their host placement.
“Knowing I’ll have my Level 3 Advice and Guidance qualification, and knowing I’ve studied and trained has given me the confidence to explore more… it’s different when you want to help someone to when you actually can and you see a difference in them when you’ve actually helped them. The Level 3 has given me this accomplishment, very fulfilling”. Peer Advisor.
These results are a testimony to the hard work of the staff and Peer Advisors, whose determination and commitment have been key to keeping the programme of training and support ongoing through the most difficult conditions the team have ever worked in.
Peer Advisors and many local agencies rose to the challenge of switching to delivering advice & guidance online or by phone, working through more ad-hoc ‘drop-ins’, and being open to changing roles and helping out other organisations and teams to keep delivering support where it was most needed.
Our national network of Peer Hubs is supported through the National Lottery Community Fund’s Reaching Communities programme.