Evaluations into Peer Advice
Final Evaluation Into Peer Circles
Date: 2020
Evaluated by: JH Consulting
- Group and individual discussions with Peer Advisors and clients engaging with the project through St Giles and Evolve
- A group development session held with front line and management staff (SG & Evolve), and Crisis, in early December 2019 to review the project, identifying key strengths, areas for development and actions to take forward Peer Circles
- Individual discussions with SGT and Evolve project staff and managers, and key personnel from external organisations including referral partners and specialist providers working with Peer Circles
- Review of all paper/electronic project monitoring materials, including a recent internal data analysis of the client cohort
Project outline:
The Peer Circles project is a three year programme funded through Big Lottery/European Social Fund (ESF) Building Better Opportunities (BBO), running from January 2017 to December 2019. The Peer Circles project is intended to provide tailored and bespoke support to help people who experience severe and multiple disadvantage (SMD) to improve their employability and, where possible, move into sustainable employment.
The Peer Circles project is funded through Big Lottery/European Social Fund (ESF) Building Better Opportunities (BBO). The original funding period ran from January 2017 to December 2019, and funding has subsequently been granted to extend the project for a further 2.5 years.
Key outcomes:
- 144 percent of target recruited; 10% progressed into education and training and 17% into employment, 92% improvement in housing, 99% attending mental health services; 106% report increased self esteem
- 98% peer advisors report improved confidence in their employability
- Other outcomes include: gaining self-confidence, skills and knowledge, getting experience of a range of volunteer roles, developing professional attributes and skills, feeling more prepared for the world of work and moving into good quality careers.
- External project partners were also very enthusiastic about the Peer Advisor model and the opportunity that it gives clients to use their lived experience positively: