Evaluations into our work with children and young people
Evaluation into Accessing the Future programme
First-year evaluation into the Accessing the Future programme
Date: 2018
Evaluated by: St Giles
Project details: Access the Future aims to help young disadvantaged people to pursue their education, training and employment goals by offering a personal budget of up to £1,500 to help them achieve this. The project was funded by the Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation.
Key outcomes:
- 103 disadvantaged young people have been helped to purse their education, training and employment goals
- 63 young people have successfully completed their individual goals which were agreed as part of ATF’s support
- The remaining 40 young people were well on the way towards achieving their goals
- 43% gained either full or part-time employment; 27% sustained higher education; 16% were in a further education/ training programme. 15% were unemployed but actively seeking employment.