Annual Review
Annual Review
Annual Review
New clients
Thanks to all your support, we have achieved life changing outcomes during a difficult year
People under the age of 25 helped
New Pantry hubs established
People helped with education, training and employment
Children and young people helped to address child criminal exploitation
How our funds were allocated
Figures have been rounded up and down.
Three elderly Pantry members used to meet weekly but haven’t since the pandemic; two have also lost their partners. We arranged their visits together so they could meet outside and socialise.
The Covid 19 Emergency Fund helped us provide our clients with essentials during this exceptionally tough time. Here one of our clients explains how it helped him buy a bike so he was able to take up the offer of a job.
In our own words
We stepped up support for our young clients during this year as school closures, unemployment and reduced income in their families left them more vulnerable to child criminal exploitation.
Addressing child criminal exploitation
Restrictions on face-to-face contact meant we had to be adaptable and look at new ways of delivering our support. Much of this work continued online during the height of the pandemic yet we still maintained essential face to face support for young people who were extremely vulnerable and needed this service. Read more about our work addressing child criminal exploitation below.
Tommy was one of 1,704 young people we helped to escape child criminal exploitation.
Real stories
Nearly all my caseload have shown improved attendance at school and are keeping up with their studies!
During the height of the Covid 19 pandemic our staff swung into action to ensure our clients had access to affordable, healthy food through adapting our Brewbird social enterprise cafe in Camberwell into a food distribution centre which then became one of the network of pantries we established.
In our own words
Tackling Poverty
Our work helping people make ends meet had been growing over the last few years in the face of in-work poverty, cuts to support services and the barriers many of our clients face in securing sustainable employment.
The pandemic compounded this. Many families faced rising fuel and food costs whilst their children were out of school, others were experiencing redundancy and insecure employment.
Support from services such as our Covid 19 Crisis Fund, network of Pantries and access to high quality welfare and benefits advice became more crucial than ever last year.
Clair was one of the people who benefitted from one of our five Pantries during the course of the pandemic.
Real stories
Mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other forms of IT equpment were secured
Food vouchers and utility bill payments were made
Books and other forms of educational materials were purchased
Thanks to the Covid 19 Crisis Fund
Nine clients who previously refused to engage with our service have all been in contact and are moving forward with support.
Our work helping people into employment was extremely busy as many of our current and former clients lost their jobs due to the pandemic effects.
Education, training and employment support
Our work helping people into employment was extremely busy as many of our current and former clients lost their jobs due to the pandemic effects.
At one point, help with employment accounted for 25% of all client contact with our teams, rising fourfold in the first six months of 2020.
Alongside employment, our teams continued to support people to access the skills training they need to boost their employment prospects. Lockdown presented challenges given the restrictions on face-to-face contact but we adapted our services to offer online and phone support and training.
Valerie was one of the 2,003 people we helped through our education, training and employment support services.
Real stories
My client has been supported into a football coaching programme and not smoked any weed for four months as a result.
Brianna was one of the 183 Peer Advisors we trained through the pandemic.
Peer Advice
Despite the restrictions posed by lockdown we continued to train Peer Advisors. We moved the Peer Advisor training and support online and the Covid 19 Crisis Fund help us secure laptops for Peer trainees and without access to this safety net many would not have been able to continue their training. Our teams developed online training resources whilst both Peer Advisors and Trainers got to grips with Zoom and Teams to ensure training could carry on as smoothly as possible. We also provided added support with digital coaching and mental health for the Peer Advisors during the challenges of lockdown.
My client made over 1,000 job applications over six months and was only offered one interview but was successful in his second!
Increased levels of domestic abuse hit the headlines during the lockdown and this worrying trend was echoed in our work with women and their families. Alongside ensuring women and children were safe from harm, we also helped to address their basic needs around suitable housing, food and other essentials.
We provided life-changing support to many vulnerable girls and young women, typically those involved in child criminal exploitation.
Support for women and families
Charlotte is one of the women helped through the Wonder Project which supports women to overcome complex problems and move their lives forward.
Real stories
Work in prisons and with prison leavers
Covid placed heavy restrictions in accessing people in prison and this impacted on our long-standing custodial based Peer Advisor Programme as we were unable to go into prisons to deliver the training.
Despite these difficulties, 21 prisoners completed the Level 3 training during this year. We continued to support prison leavers to resettle on their release from prison throughout the most acute periods of the pandemic.
I sit here and realise how lucky I am… on release I will be drug-free and hope I still have the opportunity to be a part of St Giles. Most of my life I’ve been in a very dark place and my work coach and Trainer Assessor are like big bright lights… I hope with St Giles, one day I can help people the way they helped me.
Thank you!
From all of us we say thank you for your kind and generous support.
A big thank you from our colleague Desmond
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Projects Launched
Pet Lovers
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Vacation Days
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Our Culture
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Join our Team
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On to 2022
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Thanks to all
who made 2021
an amazing year
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco lorem ipsum.